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Codevision S.A. reserves the right to analyse and use the information collected to optimise content and to personalise the services provided, as well as to present other services that users registered in this website can benefit of. Codevision S.A. assumes the veracity of the data entered on the website. The contact data provided by Codevision SA shall be used exclusively for asking questions or providing information related to this website. If Codevision S.A.’s contacts are used improperly, fraudulently or to send unsolicited content, Codevision S.A. reserves the right to prosecute those responsible.
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Codevision S.A. is concerned with the security and confidentiality of the personal data of its users and customers. Personal data is always sent using a secure connection. The data provided by the users is stored in a database created for this purpose and is never to be used for any other purpose than that expressed by Codevision S.A. The personal data gathered is processed by the system in accordance with the national legislation applicable. In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law, visitors, users and customers of this website may, at any time, exercise their right of access, rectification and cancellation, communicating in writing to the contacts presented on the website.
This website may contain links to other websites over which Codevision S.A. does not exercise any control or responsibility for its content. The inclusion of links to other websites is made solely for informational reference and without any type of opinion about the content, owners, services or products offered. Codevision S.A. reserves the right to demand the removal of any connection that it deems less proper, being this criterion of its sole responsibility. The content of this website cannot be totally or partially integrated in the structure of any other website without the express authorization of Codevision S.A.
Codevision SA reserves the right to, at any time, make adjustments or amendments to this "Privacy Policy", being these changes disclosed on this website.
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This page can contains hyperlinks to indepent third party pages (Linked Pages). These linked pages are exclusively suggested considering the visitors preferences. These linked pages are not under control of Codevision, and Codevision is not responsible not even recommends the content, including any information or materials included in these pages. You should do your very own judgement considering the content shown on these linked pages.